How to Choose


It’s already known that the briar of Erica arborea is the best wood used for the realization of the pipes, both for its great heat resistance that for the multiple and specific veins that it offers; such as, for example, the tight flame or the grain called bird’s eye, placed differently depending on the cut made by the briar cutter that uses highly accurate and detailed processing criteria and who carefully studies the needs of the customer.
Initially there were processing criteria very different from these of today, as the blocks of briar were exploited almost entirely, gaining about 6/7 different qualities, so as to satisfy a market primarily based on mass consumption.
Today CALABRIA PIPE extracts from their briar blocks a maximum yield of 25% corresponding to only 3 levels of quality, the remaining of 75% is excluded from production and used as firewood for boiling the briar sketches (this happens for a period of about 18 hours at a constant temperature of 100 degrees).


FIRST QUALITY: it means the choice of briar pieces with veins less accentuated; this quality is often used to produce products (pipes) of low cost with dark colors or with alternatives machining such as rustication and sandblasting. Recommended products of this quality: first quality sketches, first quality pre-drilled,  first quality pipe heads.

EXTRA QUALITY: this refers to the choice of briar pieces with veins more obvious, such as the grain of the bird’s eye, generally placed at the tobacco chamber and these briar pieces are chosen by a customer who demands quality assurance in order to make pipes of prestige excluding machining alternatives such as rustication and sandblasting. Recommended products of this quality: extra sketches, extra plateaux, extra pre-drilled, extra pipe heads.

EXTRA / EXTRA QUALITY: this quality is primarily chosen by professional artisans who are constantly looking for briar pieces of the highest level, to make pipes by hand, exclusive and great value pipes, the creation of these masterpieces follows carefully the beautiful grain, the flame very tight, the integral bird’s eye, as the nature and the mastery of briar cutters reserve for this quality. Recommended products of this quality: extra-extra sketches, extra-extra plateaux, extra-extra pre-drilled, extra-extra pipe heads.